It's 10:00 am, and you still haven't started your first homeschool lesson! The kids won't settle down, you didn't do your lesson plan for the week (so you are just winging it), you have a sink full of dishes, and the laundry needs to be done! You would think that coffee would help, but it doesn't! To top it all off, you just saw a fellow homeschool mom on Instagram that is showing her tidy house, hard working kids, completing their perfectly planned lessons, all while wearing huge smiles on their faces. You may be tempted to feel defeated, to feel inferior, but it is a trick! We all have days that are less than perfect. Let's face it, we are not perfect! We certainly don't have perfect kids. There is no perfect mom, house, marriage, or homeschool. Don't let Instagram fool you!
Life has taught me that comparison is poison, it really is! You are unique and you have been equipped for the task ahead of you, even if you are still in training! Do your job well and see it through to the end! Even when the workload is overwhelming, when the kids are ungrateful, when you want to put them on the school bus and never look back....keep going! If you have been called to homeschool, then you have what it takes! God knew that. With all of your imperfections, he saw it and chose you to lead these amazing little human beings (who turn into amazing big human beings). He knew that with the drive, the passion, the vision, and his guidance that you would make it successfully to the finish line! Now, I have 3 marathons to run, 3 finish lines to cross, but I know that I will get there. Sure, there are days when I want to quit, but I prepare, I train, and I pray! Oh yeah, did I mention that I cry sometimes, too? It's hard, but you can do it! People may think it is a waste of time, that you are crazy for trying to take on such a task, they may even question how prepared you are, but keep going! This is your race to run! Stay focused on the task, not the distractions. There may not be a large group waiting at the finish line cheering you on, but God will be there, your family will be there, and that is all that you need!
Above all else, don't forget to enjoy every hug, every laugh, every milestone, every opportunity to pass on knowledge, every moment! Take in the beautiful scenery around you every day, even on the days when it is difficult to find beauty in it! One day, your marathon(s) will be over, you will cross that finish line, your race will be done, and you will be letting your children free into the world! When they look back, what will they remember? Will they remember how perfect your house was? Will they remember every curriculum you chose? Will they remember how much money you spent on them? No, they will remember you! They will remember your sacrifices. They will remember the memories that you made together every day! Most of all, they will remember and learn from the race that you ran. They will be ready to run their own race, preparing for their own course! They are learning how to train from you! So, on days that you want to quit, when you can't see the finish line, when you see others passing you by...keep going! Don't quit, you can do it! Go, and finish strong! Finish well! ❤
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